1 Albania Tirana
2 Alemania Berlín
3 Andorra Andorra la Vella
4 Austria Viena
5 Bélgica Bruselas
6 Bielorrusia Minsk
7 Bosnia y Herzegovina Sarajevo
8 Bulgaria Sofía
9 Chipre[1] Nicosia
10 Croacia Zagreb
11 Dinamarca Copenhague
12 Eslovaquia Bratislava
13 Eslovenia Liubliana
14 España[3] Madrid
15 Estonia Tallin
16 Finlandia Helsinki
17 Francia París
18 Grecia Atenas
19 Hungría Budapest
20 Irlanda Dublín
21 Islandia Reykjavik
22 Italia Roma
23 Letonia Riga
24 Liechtenstein Vaduz
25 Lituania Vilna
26 Luxemburgo Luxemburgo
27 ARY Macedonia MKD Skopie
28 Malta MLT La Valeta
29 Moldavia Chisinau
30 Mónaco Monaco
31 Montenegro Podgorica
32 Noruega Oslo
33 Países Bajos Ámsterdam
34 Polonia Varsovia
35 Portugal Lisboa
36 Reino Unido Londres
37 República Checa Praga
38 Rumania Bucarest
39 Rusia[8] Moscú
40 San Marino San Marino
41 Serbia Belgrado
42 Suecia Estocolmo
43 Suiza Berna
44 Ucrania Kiev
45 Ciudad del Vaticano Ciudad del Vaticano
jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2011
Map of natural increase of world population
Currently there are 49 independent states in Europe.
- Differences:
Depending on their length: the rule is Russia's largest and the smallest of Andorra
Depending on their situation: almost all have sea views
Depending on their shape: Many are fragmented
According to their population: The most populous is the least populated Russia San Marino is
According to their wealth: wealthier and poorer German and Moldova.
Sypnotic chart of the territorial organization of State
1 Requirements for membership
1.1 Democracy and Rule of Law
1.2 Fundamental rights
1.3 Socio-economic convergence
1.4 Europeanness
2 Aftermath and effects
2.1 Shared Sovereignty
2.1.1 International relations
2.2 The institutions
2.3 The EU legal order
3 Admission and withdrawal
4 Groups
4.2 The Mediterranean
4.3 The Nordic countries
4.4 The eastern group
4.5 The British Isles
4.6 Other criteria for distinguishing
4.6.1 Size
4.6.2 Wealth and Human Development
4.6.3 Degrees of integration
5 Member States
5.1 Germany
5.1.1 Territorial organization
5.2 Austria
5.2.1 Territorial organization
5.3 Belgium
5.3.1 Model territorial
5.4 Bulgaria
5.4.1 Territorial organization
5.5 Cyprus
5.5.1 Organization and regional situation
5.6Czech Republic
5.7 Denmark
5.8 Spain
5.10 Finland
5.11 France
5.12 Greece
5.13 Hungary
5.14 Ireland
5.15 Italy
5.16 Latvia
5.17 Lithuania
5.18 Luxembourg
5.19 Malta
5.21 Poland
5.22 Portugal
5.23 United Kingdom
5.24 Romania
5.25 Slovakia
5.26 Slovenia
1.1 Democracy and Rule of Law
1.2 Fundamental rights
1.3 Socio-economic convergence
1.4 Europeanness
2 Aftermath and effects
2.1 Shared Sovereignty
2.1.1 International relations
2.2 The institutions
2.3 The EU legal order
3 Admission and withdrawal
4 Groups
4.2 The Mediterranean
4.3 The Nordic countries
4.4 The eastern group
4.5 The British Isles
4.6 Other criteria for distinguishing
4.6.1 Size
4.6.2 Wealth and Human Development
4.6.3 Degrees of integration
5 Member States
5.1 Germany
5.1.1 Territorial organization
5.2 Austria
5.2.1 Territorial organization
5.3 Belgium
5.3.1 Model territorial
5.4 Bulgaria
5.4.1 Territorial organization
5.5 Cyprus
5.5.1 Organization and regional situation
5.6Czech Republic
5.7 Denmark
5.8 Spain
5.10 Finland
5.11 France
5.12 Greece
5.13 Hungary
5.14 Ireland
5.15 Italy
5.16 Latvia
5.17 Lithuania
5.18 Luxembourg
5.19 Malta
5.21 Poland
5.22 Portugal
5.23 United Kingdom
5.24 Romania
5.25 Slovakia
5.26 Slovenia
World climatological map
There are six different types of main climates in the world. In this map, we can see the different places with their typical climates:
- Tropical climate (humid and dry)
- Arid climate (steppenwolf and desertic)
- Mesothermal climate (mediterranean, subtropical and oceanic)
- Microthermal climate (continental (hot and cold summers) and subartic.)
- Polar climate ( tundra and ice cap)
- Mountains and high lands climate ( montainous)
World Water cycle
First of all, the water falls down from the clouds ti the earth (rainings). Then this water goes down the ground and goes to a lake, to ariver or to the sea. There, it is evaporated and goes to the clouds again (evaporization). Then it start this cycle again.
Physical and political map of Europe
Physical map
The main mountains and range of mountains in Europe are: Montes Escandinavos (in the north) Urales, Caucaso, Carpatos, in the east , Balcanes, Apeninos and Pirineos in the south and in the centre we can find the highest mountain in Europe the Mont Blanc in the Alps.
As for the rivers, the most important are: Ural, Volga, Danubio, Po, Tiber, Ebro, Noira, Sena, Rin, Elba, Odier...
As for the seas, the most important are: Caspio, Negro, Adriático, Jonico, Tirreno, Mediterráneo, Baltico, Mar del Norte, Oceano Atlantico...
Political map
Europe has 45 countries. Here is the list of these countries and their capital cities.
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