jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2011

Sypnotic chart of the territorial organization of State

1 Requirements for membership
1.1 Democracy and Rule of Law
1.2 Fundamental rights
1.3 Socio-economic convergence
1.4 Europeanness
2 Aftermath and effects
2.1 Shared Sovereignty
2.1.1 International relations
2.2 The institutions
2.3 The EU legal order
3 Admission and withdrawal
4 Groups
4.2 The Mediterranean
4.3 The Nordic countries
4.4 The eastern group
4.5 The British Isles
4.6 Other criteria for distinguishing
4.6.1 Size
4.6.2 Wealth and Human Development
4.6.3 Degrees of integration
5 Member States
5.1 Germany
5.1.1 Territorial organization
5.2 Austria
5.2.1 Territorial organization
5.3 Belgium
5.3.1 Model territorial
5.4 Bulgaria
5.4.1 Territorial organization
5.5 Cyprus
5.5.1 Organization and regional situation
5.6Czech Republic
5.7 Denmark
5.8 Spain
5.10 Finland
5.11 France
5.12 Greece
5.13 Hungary
5.14 Ireland
5.15 Italy
5.16 Latvia
5.17 Lithuania
5.18 Luxembourg
5.19 Malta
5.21 Poland
5.22 Portugal
5.23 United Kingdom
5.24 Romania
5.25 Slovakia
5.26 Slovenia

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